There are many reasons people scan, and I couldn't start to do justice to them all. Suffice it to say there
are people out there who listen to every possible service type: police, fire, medical, public utilities, ham radio,
federal comms, air comms, military comms, etc.
This is why I scan:
Scanning is cheaper than drinking or lowering Hondas. Once you invest in the radio[s] it's a freebie; no recurring costs.
Scanning is safe, legal, and portable
Scanning can deliver timely, accurate information on severe weather (Dallas RACES on 146.88, for example) and emergency conditions in your area.
Scanning can help one be a good citizen by keeping tabs on what is going on in one's city.
I live in the barrio section of Dallas/Richardson and it's a plus to know why the police choppers are hovering over our neighborhood this week and whether or not the gunfire is something to worry about.
And, probably most important: I have loved all forms of radio since I was a child